Description: The Irkutsk diocese is based by the Decree of empress Ekaterina I from January, 15, 1727 on January, 15, 1727 in the chapter " Irkutsk 1/10 ", 40 churches totaling more and four monasteries, there was bishop Innokenty (John Kulchitsky), graduate Kievo-Mogiljanskoj of academy, prefect Moscow slavian-grec-latino academies, cathedral ieromonarh Alexandr-Neva Laurels, bishop Vladimir and Perejaslaw. Prelate Innokenty conducted huge educational and Missionary work, has transformed in Mongol-Russian " mulgal school " Antonij (Platkowskij), has founded arhiirejski the order, cared of morals of priests, construction of wooden and stone churches in a diocese and behind its limits (Peking) . submission bishop Innokentija had Irkutsk and Nerchinsk with districts, suburbs Udinsky and Selenginskij with districts, Irkutsk Voznisenskij, Ambassadorial Preobrazhenskiy, Nercenskij Uspenskij man's and Irkutsk Znamensky female monasteries. Certainly, in history of a diocese since 30th of XVIII century for 90th of XX centuries, depending on division of Russia into provinces, from expansion or eparchial territory, allocation of independent structures from structure of a diocese, border of possession of Irkutsk orthodox faculty varied repeatedly. By September, 1836, in board Innokentija III (Aleksandrova), have changed the status: Irkutsk Âîçíåñåíñêèé the monastery is attributed to I to a class, Yakut Spasskij, Kirenskij Troickij man's and IrkutskZnamensky female - to II class, in Ambassadorial Preobrazhenskiy and Selenginsk Troitsk monasteries have opened arhimadrid íàñò instead of igumen. Since II half 30th of XIX century Chikojsky Ioanno-Predtechensky a man's monastery (instead of abolished Nercensk Uspenskij) started to operate. Today in the chapter of Irkutsk faculty there is archbishop Vadim (Labeznyj Vladimir Anatolevich, a sort. On October, 14, 1954), the graduate of the Odessa theological seminary and he Moscow spiritual academy, the candidate of divinity, the clergyman and the prior of some large temples in Stary Oskol, Vladivostok. Appointed in a diocese in February, 1990, till 1994 bishop Vadim was the Lord Irkutsk and Chita, since 1994 it became bishop Irkutsk and Angarsk, in 1999 has been awarded with a dignity of archbishop. Eparchial management: Russia, 664019, Irkutsk, street. Angarsk, 14; ph. (395-2) 34-40-21, 34-39-81 site
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