Description: The first film-session in Irkutsk took place in a hall of public assembly on March, 12th, 1897. on November, 29th, 1910 in Irkutsk in the Big street (nowadays Charles Marx's street) is opened a cinema " Art èëëþçèîí the Decadence ", belonging the businessman to turkish citizen K.S.Jagodzhlu, since January, 1917 the cinema began to belong to Italian À.Ì. Don-Otello also has received the name "Art".
In January, 1st 1932ú. Here 1-st have been shown in Irkutsk sound is thin. Film " Gold mountains ". In 1999 cinema has received the status of the Center of the Russian cinematography of a name of Leonid Gajdaja. film festivals Russian and regional ìàøòàáà here will annually be organized. On the sketch to covers a modern kind of a cinema "Art".
On the sketch for stamp stylized the staff of a photofilm. P.S. In credits about authorship of an envelope it is wrongly specified N.Korobovoj's to photo, it is correct - G.Korobovoj's photo
Name Ëåíîíèäà Ãàéäàÿ (the Winner of the State premium of RSFSR of a name of Brothers Âàñèëüåâûõ (1970) the National actor of RSFSR (1974), the National actor of the USSR (1989)) carries the Center not casually. With Irkutsk it connects much... Leonid Iovich Gajdaj was born on December, 30th, 1923 in city Free the Amur area. Then its parents have moved to Irkutsk and have lodged in suburb Glazkovo. In 1941 Leonid has left school nomer 42.In 1941 Leonid has left school nomer 42. Gajdaj is arranged with worker of a stage in Irkutsk theatre where at this time went on tour the Moscow theatre of satire. Gajdaj worked with theatre of satire, looked all of them performances, went together with it by tour. Simultaneously, was engaged in a drama school at the House of Culture of railwaymen and played there in several performances, in particular, "Wedding" and "Bear" on Chekhov. In 1942 Leonid Gajdaj is called in army. Originally its service passed in Mongolia, where it went round the horses intended for front. Then Gajdaj have directed on front Kalininsky where served in a platoon of the pedestrian investigation, was several medals. In 1943, coming back from the task, Leonid Gajdaj was undermined on to a mine, having received the hardest wound fut. Having returned from front, the young man has come to Irkutsk regional dramatic theatre, has acted in studio which has ended in 1947. It played two years performances of dramatic theatre. In 1949 Gajdaj has gone to Moscow. It ïîñòóïèî on director's faculty VgIka (masterful G.Aleksandrova). With 1955 its life is connected with a film studio "Mosfilm", becoming êëàññèêîì a comedy of the Soviet cinema. has died in Moscow on November, 19th 1993.