In 1953, the Plant started production of the IL-28 jet-powered
frontline bomber designed by S. V. llyushin.
Quick mastering of production of IL-28R and IL-28B aircrafts in
Irkutsk was possible due to the reasonable and well thought-out
constructional and technological decisions in the serial
production process. This allowed an abrupt reduction in labour
input required for the production of the aircraft notable for its
simple technological layout.
In total the Plant produced 459 aircrafts of this type, which
featured high flight and technical characteristics. The possibility
to arrange bomb loads inside the fuselage and on bomb racks
externally, the fitting of the aircraft wifh cannons rendered the
IL-28 an effective combat aircraft. This resulted in a considerable scope of deliveries to other countries. The aircraft was
adopted by the Air Forces of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bulgaria,
Viet-Nam, German Democratic Republic, Egypt, Iraq, North
and South Yemen, China, North Korea, Nigeria, Poland,
Romania, Somali, Czechoslovakia.