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Envelopes [Irkutsk area]. 50 years city Shelekhov
Envelopes [Irkutsk area] - 50 years  city Shelekhov
Number: 55-2003 (Russia)
Date: 18 December 2002
Author: G.v. Korobova

Description: city Shelekhov - administrative center region of Irkutsk region (17 km from Irkutsk on Transsib to the east)

In 1953 in connection with the building of Irkutsk aluminum plant in the region of Goncharovo station is laid the settlement of Shelekhov (order of the Council of Ministers from 29.07.1953 ¹ 3066.

On January 27, 1962 status of city is appropriated to settlement.

Shelekhov city is named in the honor of great Russian merchant, Maecenas, founder of Russian- American company - Grigoriy Ivanovich Shelekhova.

Adopted brother to the Japanese city of Neagari] and to Ryl'sk - home town of great seafarer.

On June 12, 2003 during the day of city occurred presentation covers and stamp of 50 years To Shelekhov city

On covers: the museum the museum city Of Shelekhova - Sharnin of 12.07.2000. - cultural city center, where accumulate materials about the life of the activity G.I.Shelekhov, its heirs and companions-in-arms for the creation of Russian- American company. Collection, retention and the propaganda of the material, cultural heritage of the inhabitants of city and region. the Spiritual- moral training of young people based on examples and traditions of the previous and now living generations. the assignment of the scientifically- educational and museum services of high quality. Monument G.I.Shelekhov - architect E.A.Stavskiy, the sculptor L.I.Serikov, it is constructed in the city center 02.12.1995 to year. Irkutsk are hot ([kupalnitsa]) - the endemic flowers Of the Shelekhovskogo region.

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